Gary Carkin's ESL/EFL Drama Log

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Scripted Drama (cont'd)

TEST TIME is a play written by me and used in a Cutlure Studies through Drama class to stimulate discussion about what one should do in an academic environment if one feels that one is being dealt with unfairly. It comes from Ten MORE Plays for the ESL/EFL Classroom. This book and the earlier Ten Plays for the ESL/EFL Classroom may be purchased through Carlisle Publications ( All the twenty plays in this series are built to provide classroom instruction on integrating pronunciation practice and cultural discussion with the work of rehearsal and performance. For more information, contact

The video version below of TEST TIME was created by my graduate students as part of their "Pronunciation Techniques" projects.

"I think he's prejudiced!!"

"How do you explain THAT, Professor Jones?!"

TEST TIME actors: Tina, Sura, and Robert


SHAKESPEARE'S HOUSE is another of the Case - Wilson sketches from their book, OFF-STAGE. Here, two teenage tourists visit what they think is Shakespeare's house. What do YOU think?

"This must be Shakespeare's TELEVISSION!"


Lots fo people must be interested in Shakespeare's house!"

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