Gary Carkin's ESL/EFL Drama Log

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Gluing the Parts Together -- Working the Language

As students enter into creative activity, they are asked to communicate in English. Their communication is always for a purpose. Whether in the creative act of writing, composing music, arranging movement, or managing the sound and lights, they communicate in the target language in order to get things done. The process of language acquisition then, is approached obliquely, as the objective is to construct the production. But in this process, which blends authentic need with imagination and social interaction, the target language can be acquired with a sense of enjoyment and fun as well as purpose. New vocabulary is brought into the picture to satisfy the needs of the dramatic process and grammar is smoothed out and practiced organically. Both vocabulary and grammar "stick" because they are acquired through the inherent need to know and relate to meet the objective of a finished production. As the elements of the play come together, so the language grows for use on social as well as artistic levels. This occurs without dwelling on the subject. It follows the "sandbox" method of our childhood play. It is the Natural Approach par excellence.

Listen and watch now, as we observe rehearsal at the Kantonsschule Zurcher Oberland.


Please go to the next page to see our own improvised drama at the Institute for Language Education at Southern New Hampshire University.

Click here to go to IMPROVISED DRAMA