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The Color of Life -- Scenes Four and Five

The script, pictures, and video clip.

Scene 4
Grandfather: A long time ago a girl was living somewhere around here.
                     She was very poor and unhappy because her parents had no
                     one wanted to help them.
                     However, the girl had one very good friend.
Song showing the relationship between the girl and Zenobia (Z. teaches
the girl to sew.
                     One day, the girl walked along the street and saw a crowd
                     standing in front of her friend Zenobia's house.
a) Police officer and girl, a crowd of people
         Some man: Is it true what people say? Zenobia died?
    Some woman: I can't believe it. She was such a nice person.
Another woman: What was the reason for her death?
                   Girl: What...what did you say? Zenobia is dead? I can't
                           believe it, she was one of my best friends.
                           She seemed well when I talked with her yesterday...
                           They must mean another Zenobia, that can't be true!
  Police Officer:  I hear you knew Mrs. Zenobia, is that right?
                           Was she really your best friend?
                  Girl:  She was the only friend I had.
  Police Officer:  So you can have this hat if you want, it seems
                           that she was working on it when she died...I'm
                           sorry. It's very sad.
                          A neighbour called us after she hadn't opened the door
                          and we found her dead. Dead but still smiling.
b) Girl puts the hat on
               Girl: Oh, what a nice hat, it's good to have such a good memory
                       of Zenobia...Shall I put it on?
                       (She puts it on and feels very surprised.)
                       Oh, beautiful colors everywhere! I have never felt
                       something like this, it's like being in paradise and it's
                       making me so happy...I can't remember any bad things.
c) The girl meets a beggar and gives him the hat.
           Girl: Hey! You don't really look happy. Do you want to tell me
                   what your problem is? Maybe it's good to talk about it...
     Beggar: Oh do you really want to know the reason I'm so sad?
                   I don't have any friends or a wife and because of this,
                   I feel so lonely. I think life isn't nice any more...
           Girl: Listen to me, I'll give you a gift. I was in a situation similar to
                   yours, but I'm so happy now because of my magic hat.
                   Here, you can have it because I don't need it anymore and I
                   think it's better for you now.
                   I had many beautiful moments with it, I hope you will feel the
                   same. Just ry it.
                   Use it wisely and share it! Have a good time then!
     Beggar:  Thank you.
d) 2 women who obtain the hat in a devious way, the beggar
Woman 1: Have you ever heard about this magical hat?
Woman 2: Yes, I think I've heard something about it.
Woman 1: It's just a hat, but when you put it on, it can change your life
                 and make ill people healthy!
Woman 2: Oh no, I can't beleive this story!
Woman 1: Psst! Do you see that man? That's the man with the hat.
Woman 2: Oh, listen, I have an idea...murmelmurmel
to beggar: Hello, sir. I heard you can help people? I'm so alone and tired 
                 of life. I have no money and nobody likes me!
                 I don't want to go on with my life!
   Beggar: Oh, I'm so sorry! I know what it's like to be alone, but can
                 you really see no way to change your situation?
Woman 2: No.
   Beggar:  Maybe...You should go to another village to find new friends 
                 and start a better life.
Woman 2: Oh no, I think my life wouldn't be better in another village.
                  But - your hat...Maybe it can help me?
    Beggar: Well, I think I'll give it to you, because I'm happy now and 
                  don't need it anymore. But be careful. It's a treasure!
TEXT  Grandfather (narrator):
                  The 2 women go to see elderly, ill people and tell them that 
                  they can have the hat for a few weeks so they will be 
                  healthy. But then they will have to give it back to them. But 
                  for one week, they have to pay 1000 francs.
                  The ill people would do anything to be healthy, so they pay.
e) The two women are sitting on a bench counting their money. They realize that it became worthless shit. In their anger they don't see the thief.
He steals the hat, makes his way to the front of the mirror, where he puts it on and sees his evil reflection. Immedeately, he throws the hat away.
f) Grandfather (narrator) (e.g. in his rocking chair), comments on the situation.
Grandfather: But the hat hadn't lost its powers. It just didn't work well 
                     with a bad owner.
                     I was still a child when my destiny wanted me to come along
                     that street and find that hat.
                     I already saw its beautiful colours when I came around the 
                     corner, I was very sad, lonely and melancholic because my
                     mother had died and I couldn't believe that I would ever be 
                     happy again.
                     But I felt the energy of the hat and I took it. But when I put it
                     on, the same miracle as before happened and I forgot all my
                     sadness, got more and more hope and when I was at home,
                     I had so much energy that I needed to make a painting of the
                     hat and after that, I decided to pass it on because I didn't 
                     need it anymore.
                     Since then, I have always wanted to become a painter, but 
                     the painting of the hat is the best I have ever made, isn't it? 
pantomime           Young grandfather finds the hat and paints it.
Scene 5
dancers                 Young grandfather passes the hat on. It ends up
                                    behind the mirror and disappears. 

Scene four, parts a and b

Scene four, parts b and c

Scene four, part d

Scene four, parts e and f

Scene five

And so, as we seen how the total play has come together to meld script, music, and movement, let's now take another look at the process, for it is in the process work of producing the play that so much of the language is practiced and developed.

Click here to go to: The Process of Play Production and Language Acquisition